2019-2022论文著作清单 |
序号 | 论文 或专著名称 | 作者 | 刊物、出版社名称 | 类型 |
1 | A broadband piezoelectric energy harvester with movable mass for frequency active self-tuning | Shi, Ge; Yang, Yanmei; Chen, Junfu; Peng, Yansheng; Xia, Huakang; Xia, Yinshui | SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES | SCI |
2 | A Faster and More Effective Cross-View Matching Method of UAV and Satellite Images for UAV Geolocalization | Zhuang, JD (Zhuang, Jiedong); Dai, M (Dai, Ming); Chen, XRY (Chen, Xuruoyan); Zheng, EH (Zheng, Enhui) | REMOTE SENSING | SCI(E) |
3 | A non-time division multiplexing single inductor solar and piezoelectric energy multi-input harvesting interface circuit | Shi, Ge; Tong, Dike; Zeng, Wentao; Chang, Jian; Xu, Jubing; Li, Qing; Jia, Shengyao; Wang, Chenyu | MICROELECTRONICS JOURNAL | SCI |
4 | A piezoelectric vibration energy harvester for multi-directional and ultra-low frequency waves with magnetic coupling driven by rotating balls | Shi, Ge; Tong, Dike; Xia, Yinshui; Jia, Shengyao; Chang, Jian; Li, Qing; Wang, Xiudeng; Xia, Huakang; Ye, Yidie | APPLIED ENERGY | SCI |
5 | A Piezo-Electromagnetic Coupling Multi-Directional Vibration Energy Harvester Based on Frequency Up-Conversion Technique | Shi, Ge; Chen, Junfu; Peng, Yansheng; Shi, Mang; Xia, Huakang; Wang, Xiudeng; Ye, Yidie; Xia, Yinshui | MICROMACHINES | SCI |
6 | A Semantic Guidance and Transformer-Based Matching Method for UAVs and Satellite Images for UAV Geo-Localization | Zhuang, JD (Zhuang, Jiedong); Chen, XRY (Chen, Xuruoyan); Dai, M (Dai, Ming); Lan, WB (Lan, Wenbo); Cai, YH (Cai, Yongheng); Zheng, EH (Zheng, Enhui) | IEEE ACCESS | SCI(E) |
7 | A Sensorless Self-Tuning Resonance System for Piezoelectric Broadband Vibration Energy Harvesting | Shi, Ge; Xia, Yinshui; Yang, Yanmei; Chen, Junfu; Peng, Yansheng; Xia, Huakang; Wang, Xiudeng; Qian, Libo | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS | SCI |
8 | A Transformer-Based Feature Segmentation and Region Alignment Method for UAV-View Geo-Localization | Dai, M (Dai, Ming); Hu, JH (Hu, Jianhong); Zhuang, JD (Zhuang, Jiedong); Zheng, EH (Zheng, Enhui) | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY | SCI(E) |
9 | Adaptive backstepping control for a class of nonlinear systems with unknown time delay | Feng Qian;Jianping Cai;Binrui Wang;Rui Yu | IEEE Access | SCI |
10 | Adaptive Dynamic Surface Control for Servo System Driven by Twin Motors With Unknown Actuator Failures | Wang Binrui;Yu Rui;Qian Feng | IEEE Access | SCI |
11 | An Algorithm for Calculating Apple Picking Direction Based on 3D Vision | Gao, Ruilong Zhou, Qiaojun Cao, Songxiao Jiang, Qing | AGRICULTURE-Basel | SCIE |
12 | An annular tubular wearable piezoelectric-electromagnetic hybrid vibration energy harvester driven by multi magnetic beads | Shi, Ge; Xu, Jubing; Xia, Yinshui; Zeng, Wentao; Jia, Shengyao; Li, Qing; Wang, Xiudeng; Xia, Huakang; Ye, Yidie | ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT | SCI |
13 | An Efficient Power Management Circuit Based on Quasi Maximum Power Point Tracking With Bidirectional Intermittent Adjustment for Vibration Energy Harvesting | Shi, Ge; Xia, Yinshui; Xia, Huakang; Wang, Xiudeng; Qian, Libo; Chen, Zhidong; Ye, Yidie; Li, Qing | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS | SCI |
14 | An ultra-low frequency vibration energy harvester with zigzag piezoelectric spring actuated by rolling ball | Shi, Ge; Peng, Yansheng; Tong, Dike; Chang, Jian; Li, Qing; Wang, Xiudeng; Xia, Huakang; Ye, Yidie | ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT | SCI |
15 | Angle tracking adaptive output-feedback control for a pneumatic artificial muscle antagonistic joint | Feng Qian;Jianping Cai;Binrui Wang;Rui Yu | 2019 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC) | EI |
16 | Compound speckle reduction in laser imaging systems by using a vibrating multimode fiber and a tracked moving flexible DOE loop | JUN ZHOU, ZICHUN LE, ZONGSHEN LIU, YANXIN DAI,YANYU GUO, JIAYU DENG, AND JIAPO LI | IEEE Access | SCI(E) |
17 | Design of Admittance Controller with Sliding Mode Based on Disturbance Observer for Elbow Joint Actuated by Pneumatic Muscles | Wang Binrui, Huang Jiqing, Shen Guoyang, Chen Dijian | International Journal Industrial Robot | SCIE |
18 | Design of control system and motion analysis of vision capture for small hexapod robot | Yingzi Jin;Dahong LI;Feng Qian;Binrui Wang | MATEC Web of Conferences. EDP Sciences | EI |
19 | Human-robot Collision Detection Based on the Improved Camshift Algorithm and Bounding Box | Shuangning Lu, Zhouda Xu, and Binrui Wang | International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems | SCI |
20 | Hysteresis Model Based on Modified PI Model and Compensation | Wang Binrui | Transaction of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery | EI |
21 | Identification of Axial and Radial Impacts for Pneumatic Artificial Muscles in Static and Dynamic Processes Based on Autocorrelations of Differential Pressure Signals | Binrui Wang, Chunlei Bao, Dijian Chen, | International journal of pattern recognition and artificial intelligence | SCI |
22 | Impact of structure and system parameters for speckle suppression in laser pico-projectors based on the tracked moving flexible DOE loop | Jun Zhou, Zichun Le, Anatoliy Lapchuk | Optics Communication | SCI(E) |
23 | Investigation on speckle-free imaging at the output of a multimode fiber under various mode excitation conditions | Jun Zhou, Zichun Le , Yanyu Guo, Zongshen Liu, Qiyong Xu, Yanxin Dai, Jiayu Deng, Jiapo Liand Di Cai | Photonics | SCI(E) |
24 | Motion Planning of an Inchworm Robot Based on Improved Adaptive PSO | Binrui Wang, Jianxin Wang, Zhenhai H, Weiyi Zhou;Xiaofei Zheng;Shunan Qi | Processes | SCI |
25 | Motor Dynamic Loading and Comprehensive Test System Based on FPGA and MCU | 竺春祥 | electronics | SCIE |
26 | Numerical Analysis on the Performance Characteristics of a New Gas Journal Bearing by Using Finite Difference Method | Yuntang Li, Ruirui Li, Yueliang Ye, Xiaolu Li, Yuan Chen | Advances in Mechanical Engineering | SCI(E) |
27 | Parallel spine design and CPG motion test of quadruped robot | Binrui Wang, Yixuan Liu, Zhongwen Li, Dijian Chen, Ruizi Ma and Ling Wang | International journal of pattern recognition and artificial intelligence | SCIE |
28 | Parameters optimization of central pattern generators for hexapod robot based on multi-objective genetic algorithm | Wang B, Cui X, Sun J, et al | International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems | SCI |
29 | Research on the Prediction Model of Greenhouse Temperature Based on Fuzzy Neural Network Optimized by Genetic Algorithm | Lina Wang, Wenbin Dai, Jinjie Liu, Xiaohong Cui, Binrui Wang | IAENG International Journal of Computer Science | EI |
30 | The gait planning of hexapod robot based on CPG with feedback | Wang, Binrui; Zhang, ke; Yang, Xuefeng; Cui, Xiaohong | International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems | SCIE |
31 | YOLOX on Embedded Device With CCTV & TensorRT for Intelligent Multicategories Garbage Identification and Classification | 竺春祥 | ieee sensors journal | SCIE |
32 | 编织型气动肌肉动力学建模仿真与性能测试机械设计 | 刘乙璇,王斌锐,王凌 | 机械设计 | 核心 |
33 | 电缆压痕激光测量系统设计与不确定度分析 | 许周达,芦韩,许睿,梨建军,王斌锐 | 计量学报 | 一级 |
34 | 多泵控制液压系统的同步设计 | 黄镇海,刘芳璇,王桂荣,陈锡爱 | 《液压与气动》 | 核心 |
35 | 多通道液压伺服系统的同步设计 | 黄镇海,王桂荣,刘芳璇 | 《液压与气动》 | 核心 |
36 | 改进Fastern RCNN在铝型材表面缺陷检测中的应用研究 | 徐向纮(2/2) | 中国计量大学学报 | 核心 |
37 | 工业机器人动力学参数分步辨识与零力控制示教 | 方骏玮,王斌锐,谢胜龙,任海军 | 机械设计与制造 | 核心 |
38 | 基于 Wi-Fi 的可穿戴心电监护系统设计 | 竺春祥 | 实验技术与管理 | 核心 |
39 | 基于IMU的机器人姿态自适应EKF测量算法研究 | 班朝,任国营,王斌锐,陈相君 | 仪器仪表学报 | 一级 |
40 | 基于改进YOLOV3 算法的斜拉桥拉索表面缺陷检测方法 | 李堂 ,谢梦鸣,王鹏峰,李孝禄 | 传感技术学报 | 一级 |
41 | 基于三维重构的哈蜜瓜均瓣雕花 算法 | 赵明岩,林敏,徐鹏,王勇金,宋天月、梁明轩,胡剑虹 | 农业工程学报 | EI |
42 | 基于新型编解码网络的复杂背景航拍图像输电线识别 | 李运堂,詹叶君,王鹏峰,黄永勇,李孝禄,陈源 | 传感技术学报 | 一级 |
43 | 基于圆弧转接和跨段前瞻的机器人拾放操作轨迹规划 | 王涛,陈立,郭振武,王斌锐,李振娜 | 计算机集成制造系统 | 一级 |
44 | 基于自适应无迹卡尔曼滤波的采摘机械手视觉伺服控制方法 | 梁喜凤,彭明 | 农业工程学报 | EI Compendex |
45 | 面向新工科的微课程体系和新形态课程研究与实践 | 徐向纮(4/4) | 高等工程教育研究 | 核心 |
46 | 融合加权SVD算法的工业机器人运动学标定 | 班朝,任国营,王斌锐,陈相君,薛梓,王凌 | 计量学报 | 一级 |
47 | 实验课程线上与线下相结合的教学实践 | 吴霞 | 实验室研究与探索 | 核心 |
48 | 四旋翼不确定干扰前馈补偿与反步滑模姿态控制 | 薛晶勇,杨波,朱永乐,王斌锐 | 计算机集成制造系统 | 一级 |
49 | 新型形状记忆合金驱动器与三指灵巧手设计 | 李达宏,金樱子,郭振武,王斌锐 | 工程设计学报 | 核心 |
50 | 有脊椎四足机器人递阶CPG步态规划与速度分析 | 张科,王斌锐,郭振武,陈迪剑 | 计算机仿真 | 核心 |
51 | A Visual Servo Control Method for Tomato Cluster-Picking Manipulators Based on a T-S Fuzzy Neural Network | 梁喜凤,彭明 | Transactions of the ASABE | SCI(E) |
52 | Intelligent obstacle avoidance path planning method for picking manipulator combined with artificial potential field method | 方正(学),梁喜凤 | Industrial robot | SCI(E) |
53 | 《计算机控制技术》 | 黄镇海,迟宝全等编著 | 中国质检出版社出版 | 著作 |
54 | 电路与电子技术实验教程 | 吴霞、潘岚 | 高教出版社 | “十一五”国家规划教材 |
55 | 气动肌肉机器人建模与控制 | 王斌锐 | 兵器工业出版社 | 国家级出版社 |
56 | 气动肌肉机器人原理与控制 | 王斌锐、谢胜龙 | 清华大学出版社 | 国家级出版社 |
57 | 运动控制系统 | 王斌锐、李璟、周坤、许宏 | 清华大学出版社 | 国家级出版社 |